Getting back to it…

Happy New Year!

So I got my laptop back, and I feel like I’m back in business here. I felt like someone stole my puppy without my laptop. I don’t know how people can write at a desk. Doesn’t work for me. I like to be all nice and cozy on a couch with my feet up, watching TV, etc.
Well, I finished my Nanowrimo Novel. Check it out here!! Did I write about this already?

Anyway, the first draft is done. I didn’t even stop to go back and edit or revise, so it’s in it’s roughest roughest version right now. But I like it. I seriously need to sit down and work on it. But as you can see, I am procrastinating. Just a little bit.

Okay, well if you check out my nano page….let me know what you think.

