My Website Got a Facelift

Hey Hey Hey!!!

So I’ve spent a good portion of today working on my website. I wasn’t too thrilled with the old one. So I just played around with it until I found something I liked. And viola! Here it is! I like the white background much better. The gray was depressing to look at every time I clicked on it.

I also added some graphics. You can probably tell which ones are my own pics and which ones are stock photos. I’ve had a lot of people ask me who the girl is on the “You Act So White” cover, but I truly have no idea. Someone from the Nanowrimo sight made that for me from a few stock photos. I loved the background because the school is old and reminds me of Chaffey.

I have one review of YASW on Createspace. Totally cool! Although, I wish there was some feedback to go with it. But hey, three stars is good. And I love to see that people are reading it. If you want to review the first few pages of this rough draft, you can do so at I think it’s a cool feature they have there. It allows an author to upload just 25,000 words of a manuscript for anyone in the world to review. Cool!

So now that I’m done with my website, for now, I need to get some work done. There isn’t jack crap on TV right now. I am not going to watch Freaky Friday!!! And I’m done with football until the Super Bowl. So I guess I will grade papers. My girls are playing Pictureka and are having a great time. I’ve never played but it looks fun.

I’m cracking up listening to them talk about Justin Beiber. OMG!!! They are in love with the little boy. I took video of Sara singing and dancing to his music in the car the other day. She’s hoping I don’t post it on FB. LOL! But hey, what are mothers for? I’ve earned the right to embarrass her!! Maybe I will post them here….

So last night, or this morning, I said I was excited about a new TV show. Life Unexpected is the cutest show I’ve seen in a long time. Luxe is adorable and her parents crack me up. Not to mention, the dad’s friends. Total dorks but I can’t wait to see more of them. The show airs on Mondays. Perfect timing. It’s right after Secret Life and right before Castle. Thanks for filling my 9 o’clock time slot.

Just saw previews for 3 full hours of Family Guy on TBS tomorrow. Oh goodness!!

On that note, I must get back to my domestic duties…

Till next time…
